Managing References

What is Reference Management software?

Desktop or web-based applications that let you collect, save and sort references as you research and write an essay.

You can export references directly from SOLO by clicking on the export options shown below. Endnote, Mendeley and Refworks are some of the most commonly used tools (and all available for free or via your Single Sign-On).

Why should I use it?

  • Get your formatting right
  • Keep track of your references and avoid accidental plagiarism 
  • Save time
    • Once you get used to using the software, you can add a new fully formatted footnote in seconds.
    • When it comes to adding your bibliography, all it takes is one click!

How do I get started?

Explore the comprehensive guide put together by the Bodleian Libraries:

or book on one of the online workshops that run through term:

If you need help, email or