Give Back

Giving Back

Supporting St Anne's

Lucy Judson Photography, Oxford events photographer, St Annes college Oxford

Each year, over 1,000 alumnae and friends donate to St Anne’s to enable our students to make the most of their time at College, supporting what is for many of our students a life-changing experience. By giving towards areas ranging from bursaries to travel grants, from graduate development scholarships to tutorial teaching, the development of new buildings and our work reaching out to potential applicants, you help to secure the future of St Anne’s. The generosity of our alumnae and friends touches every aspect of student life.

You can give back to St Anne's by making a donation here, or by completing this form and returning it to us by post. For further information about other ways you could support the College, please reach out to us at

Find out more about our key fundraising priorities
Make a difference

Student Support

Many alumnae, parents and friends have expressed interest in helping St Anne’s students think about their future careers, in offering internships, venues for events or volunteering with the College.

There are a number of ways you can support our students. If you'd like to contribute in these or other ways, please email us to express your interest.

Email Us
Careers Programme

Alumnae can provide our students with invaluable careers advice. If you would would be interested in helping to support our Michaelmas or Hilary term career programmes, including CV Clinics and Insight into events please get in touch.


If your company is able to offer an internship or if you are interested in advertising a position to St Anne’s students please let us know.

Offer a Venue

We are always on the lookout for interesting venues that alumnae will enjoy visiting and will help make an event memorable. Are you able to offer us the use of such a venue for a future event? If so, we would love to hear from you.


We are looking for speakers for careers and alumnae events. If you are interested in speaking about your field, sharing research or discussing key topics with other alumnae, please reach out.

St Anne's Society

The St Anne's Society is led by alumnae volunteers and runs regional events across the UK. If you would be interested to get involved with your local branch please contact us to be put in touch.