The Development Team

Who we are

The Development Team at St Anne’s is always delighted to hear from alumnae and friends, whether you would like to pay a visit to College, make use of your alumnae dining privileges, change your communications preferences, make a donation to one of our funds, or simply have a chat about your time here.

Director of Development

Mr Edwin Drummond

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 284536

Edwin is responsible for the management of the Development Office, all aspects of fundraising and alumnae communications. Edwin works closely with the Principal and the Governing Body to help secure the financial future of the College through fundraising and development.

Deputy Development Director

Mrs Kiri-Ann Olney

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 284943

Kiri-Ann joined the Development team in summer 2023. At St Anne’s, Kiri-Ann is responsible for major gifts, legacies and trusts and foundations. If you would like a conversation with Kiri-Ann about supporting the College, please do get in touch.

Development Administrator

Mrs Lauren Mohammed

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 284536

Lauren is responsible for gift administration, financial reporting of philanthropic income and maintaining database records. She provides administrative support to the Development Office and also assisting with events administration. Contact Lauren to update your details, book for an event or if you have a query about your donation.


Development Manager

Dr Stacey Kennedy

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 284622

Stacey is responsible for our regular giving and stewardship programme, as well as working with our legacy donors who are part of The Plumer Society and managing our alumnae group for recent graduates: The Young Stanners Society. Her role also includes fundraising from trusts and foundations. Contact Stacey with queries about how to make a donation, leave a legacy gift to St Anne’s or join The Young Stanners Society.


Alumnae Relations Manager

Mr Jason Fiddaman

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 284517


Jason organises the College’s programme of alumnae events and reunions, including the Annual Alumnae Weekend and Gaudy. He also works closely with alumnae who kindly volunteer their time to help support students through careers talks and workshops. Jason has previous alumnae relations experience from working for Hertford College and has also worked for The Gift Registry and Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.

Senior Communications Manager

Dr Jay Gilbert

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 284834

Jay manages the College’s communication channels, including its website, its social media presence, and various College publications. Contact Jay with queries about branding, press, and College communication, or if you would like to suggest an article or supply material for The Ship. Jay is CIM qualified and has previously worked in outreach, publishing and digital marketing in a variety of organisations.


Development and Communications Assistant

Ms Emily Perkins

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 274804

Emily provides administrative support to the Development Team and assists with the website and internal communications. Her role includes working on recognition projects. You can also contact Emily via the Development Office email,, to update your details, ask a question, or submit an obituary for The Ship.