Study at St Anne’s

Study Here

St Anne’s is the home of choice for the brightest and most ambitious students, including those from underrepresented groups.

Living and studying here

Our aim is to ensure that you have the best possible environment for your work in terms of the College Library and IT facilities, but also comfortable accommodation, excellent food and a support network provided by fellow students, academics and health professionals. As a result, our students enjoy a friendly and relaxed atmosphere which enables them to make the most of what Oxford has to offer.

Lucy Judson Photography, Oxford events photographer, St Annes college Oxford
Down-to-earth, friendly and independent-minded

St Anne's

St Anne’s is a down-to-earth, friendly and independent-minded college that takes people for what they are. It is modern in its outlook and architecture and open to the world, informal and yet academically demanding. We are one of Oxford’s largest colleges, with some 446 undergraduates and 300 graduates. Our Fellows’ interests range across the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Physical and Medical Sciences.