Subject Family Evening: Music and Biographical Self-Fashioning

Music and Biographical Self-Fashioning

You are all invited to join us for an evening of talks on music and biographical self-fashioning from members of the St Anne’s community.

Henry Wadsworth (Third year undergraduate, music):  Ursula Bogner and the End of History

Frankie Perry (St Anne’s alumna, British Library): Gender, Creativity and the Musical Archive

Martyn Harry (Professor of Composition, Fellow and Tutor in music):  Musical Self-Fashioning: The Retrieval of Past Events and Creative Premonitions

Talks: 5.30PM

Drinks: 6.30PM

Dinner: 7pm

Those wishing to sign up for the (free) dinner should do so by 11 am on Monday 6 May via the meal booking system. If you do not attend the event, or if you sign up but do not attend for dinner, you will be charged.