Grovenor, Professor Christopher


Chris Grovenor

Fellow and Tutor in Materials Science
Professor of Materials
Wolfson Fellow in Metallurgy and Science of Materials

Research interests

Chris has interests in the application of advanced analytical techniques to understanding the relationship between chemistry and microstructure and the properties of functional materials.  Current areas of research include:

  • Oxidation and hydriding mechanisms of Zr nuclear fuel cladding alloys (with Rolls Royce, Westinghouse, EPRI, EDF, CNL, Manchester University and Imperial College)
  • Synthesis and characterisation of the new superconducting materials (with Prof. Susannah Speller). He is the Director of the £6.5M Centre for Applied Superconductivity funded by the Oxfordshire LEP and working with local companies and research organisations, and with the Clarendon Laboratory, on industrially relevant problems in applied superconductivity.
  • Leadership of the group using high resolution SIMS analysis to study a variety of industrially relevant problems, including hydrogen (deuterium) pickup mechanisms in zirconium alloys and the mechanisms of degradation of solid state Li-on batteries. 
  • The application of thin film science for improving the performance of solid state batteries. 

Recent Publications

See Chris’ department profile for a list of recent publications.