Non-Stipendiary Lecturer in Law
Emeritus Fellow, St Edmund Hall and Wadham College
Keeper of the Archives, Wadham College
Jeffrey was a law student at Wadham college in 1959. He left in 1962 to pursue historical studies at UCL but returned in 1963 to do the BCL. He was a Tutorial Fellow in law at St Edmund Hall from 1964-76 and was Librarian and Senior Tutor. He returned to Wadham as Tutorial Fellow in Law in 1976 and embarked on a series of posts for the University, first in the Law Faculty and then as part of the central team where he was amongst other things Chairman of the General Board and the Libraries Board and of the Disciplinary Court. He presently holds one University office, Clerk of the Market, and works as a lecturer in Brasenose, St Anne’s and Wadham.
His teaching and research interests, formerly in property law and legal history, are now limited to Roman law and he is becoming obsessed by the debt which the Common law owes to the Civilian tradition. He is also exploring whether useful comparative data can be assembled on the ways in which different legal systems offer fiscal inducement to charitable donors.
For a list of publications see Jeffrey’s Law Faculty Website.