McGuinness, Professor Patrick


Patrick McGuinness

Professor of French and Comparative Literature
Sir Win and Lady Bischoff Fellow in French
Tutor in Modern Languages

Academic background

Patrick is an academic, critic, novelist, and poet.


French language and modern literature;
comparative literature;
modern theatre;
modern British and American poetry.


His main research interests include 19th and 20th century French literature, especially Poetry and Theatre; French and Belgian Symbolism; Belgian Literature in French and Comparative Literature; Anglo-American Modernism and modern poetry in English.

Selected publications


More on Patrick's Faculty Profile and personal website.

Academic books

Modernism and its Aftermaths: British and American Poetry after Pound, Liverpool University Press, forthcoming 2020

Poetry and Radical Politics in fin de siècle France (Oxford University Press 2015; pb 2018)

Maurice Maeterlinck and the Making of Modern Theatre (Oxford University Press, 2000)

Recent articles

‘Gilles Ortlieb: L’Oetranger’, Revues de Belles Lettres, 2018

‘Joan Murray’, London Review of Books, 20 December 2018

‘Their Mad Gallopade: Nancy Cunard’, London Review of Books, 25 January, 2018

‘Orhan Pamuk et le musée imaginaire’, Cahiers de l’Herne, ed. Sophie Basch, 2017


Throw me to the Wolves (Jonathan Cape, Bloomsbury US), 2019

Other People’s Countries (Jonathan Cape), 2014

The Last Hundred Days, (Seren/Bloomsbury US), 2011


Déjà-vu: Poesie schelte vecchie et nuove, trans. Girogia Sensi, Latiano, Interno Poesia, 2019

Five Poems, Clutag Press, 2016

Guide bleu, trans. Gilles Ortlieb, éditions Fario, 2015

Jilted City, Carcanet, 2010

19th Century Blues, The Poetry Business, 2006

The Canals of Mars, Carcanet, 2004