To all members of St Anne’s
Looking back over the last extraordinary year we probably all feel a mix of emotions, including sadness, disappointment, and frustration, about the losses we have experienced; lives cut short, good health impaired, time forfeited with those we love, opportunities we have missed out on, and peace of mind interrupted by a constant level of concern about the pandemic. I hope that, alongside those inevitable negative emotions, you can also reflect and take pride in the remarkably way you have been able to adapt to circumstances none of us had anticipated. We have all learnt to do so much online. We have found ways to take more pleasure from simple things like the passing of the seasons, walks in our locality, and time to read or to spend on hobbies. We have also had to learn to accept that not as much is under our control as we had previously thought, but also that much can be achieved when many work together towards a common goal, including the development and roll out of vaccines at unprecedented speed.
So we enter Trinity Term, probably all feeling a bit worn down by the past year and a little anxious about what the coming months will be like. You may be concerned that, as a new student this year, you don’t yet feel you have found your feet in Oxford, or you may be in your final year with dissertation deadlines or exams looming, or maybe you are feeling uncertain about the easing of restrictions and worried about your own health and concerns about a 3rd wave of the pandemic. In recognition of all these pressures and after consultation with the JCR and MCR Welfare Reps, we have decided to make 1st week into a Be Well Do Well Week with an event each weekday at 5.15pm to help you to set yourself up as well as possible for the rest of the term. Please do look for information in the What’s On and join in as many events as you can.
Whatever our worries, I am confident that Stanners will respond, just as you have throughout the pandemic and indeed throughout the history of St Anne’s, to support each other to make the most of the term ahead. Everyone has a role to play whether they are in Oxford or not. Tutors will be doing all they can to provide academic support, guidance and encouragement, and College staff will be working hard to keep the site and systems clean, safe and working effectively. We can all help those with University assessments and under other pressures by acting with consideration, showing patience, kindness and good humour. We all can and must play our part to prevent transmission of Covid-19 within the College community including not mixing indoors with anyone outside our household, wearing a face covering at all times in shared indoor spaces, sanitising hands, social distancing and ventilating spaces.
With high hopes that the sun will shine on all of us this term, both literally and metaphorically,
Helen King