St Anne’s first Community Week is due to take place from 25 February culminating in a Giving Day on 1/2 March. We hope to bring as many people from the St Anne’s community together in this week, including students, Fellows, staff, alumnae and friends. We will be hosting a range of events and hope that you and your family will be able to join us for at least one or more. We will also be raising funds for College by encouraging a wide network of people to support the College with donations towards outreach and welfare as well as thanking alumnae for the support they have given to College.
Social media ambassadors
We are looking for social media ambassadors to help us with this and would love to hear from you if you are a regular user of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube and willing to share even just a few of our posts. Find out more on our website or email
If you’d like to get involved in other ways, we’ll be inviting alumnae and friends to make a donation during the Giving Days on 1 and 2 March as well as holding a series of events.
Tuesday 26 February: Pub Drinks
Alumnae are invited to join St Anne’s for an evening of networking and catching up with contemporaries at All Bar One (6 Villiers St, London WC2N 6NQ) in London. Tickets for the event will cost £5 to help us cover nibbles. Drinks are not included. Book by 18 February.
Wednesday 27 February: New York Event
St Anne’s is excited to be partnering with our St Anne’s New York Network of alumnae to host an event at the University of Oxford North American Office. Please join us for our discussion with Professor Todd Hall (Politics and International Relations) and alumnus Peter Due (Director at United Nations Headquarters) as we look at ‘Views of the International System’. Tickets are $20 and bookings close on Tuesday 19 February. Book online at:
Thursday 28 February: Outreach Discussion
The discussion is open to all and will be held in the Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre in St Anne’s. We will begin with an introduction by Dr Samina Khan, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach about Oxford’s general approach to Outreach and Widening Participation. Dr Lucy Busfield, St Anne’s Outreach Officer will then outline the Sustained Contact Outreach Programme that we will be piloting in 2019. Applying to Oxford: a panel of students will speak about what outreach means to them and their experience of applying and subsequently getting into Oxford. Book by 24 February.
Friday 1 March: Battle of the Brains
Alumnae and their families are invited to join Fellows, current students and staff in a test of their general knowledge. Tickets per person are £9 and include pizza. There will be a cash bar available. Teams are a maximum of 6 and you can book individually or as a team. Book by 24 February.
Saturday 2 March: College Dash. Students, families, alumnae and staff are invited to our College Dash – try to get to as many Colleges as you can. Further details to follow.