We are pleased to invite you
to the 88th St Anne’s College Domus Seminar
on Thursday 17th October at 5.30pm in the Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre.
The paper is to be given by Professor David Pyle, Professor of Earth Sciences at St Anne’s.
The title of the talk will be: “Living with Volcanoes”
About Professor Pyle
“People have lived alongside volcanoes ever since the first early modern humans occupied Ethiopia’s great rift valley. Today, in the ‘instrumental era’ of volcanology, many of Earth’s restless volcanoes are monitored from ground and space, but their eruptions can still catch us unaware. In this talk, I will explore the ways that we are learning more about how volcanoes work, and their impacts on the communities who live around them, using both scientific observations, and the first-hands accounts of people who have lived through volcanic crises in the past.”
For more information on his research, please click here. If you and a guest would like to attend, please email us at: Development.Events@St-Annes.ox.ac.uk