Disability Support

Disability Support

We want St Anne’s to be an inclusive and accessible learning environment for all students.

Our disability co-ordinator Sheila Smith works closely with students, staff and with the University Disability Advisory Service to achieve this.

Who can access support? 

Many students may not realise that they are entitled to support from the Disability Advisory Service.  A person is considered to have a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial (‘more than minor or trivial’) and long-term (lasting or likely to last 12 months or more) adverse effect on their ability to do normal daily activities as per the Equality Act (2010) criteria.  

This includes students with, for example:

  • A sensory impairment such as those affecting sight or hearing
  • A mobility impairment
  • A musculoskeletal condition such as arthritis
  • A long-term health condition including those of a fluctuating or progressive nature
  • A long-term mental health condition such as depression or an eating disorder
  • A specific learning difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD
  • A social or communication difficulty such as an autism spectrum condition
  • Some conditions like Cancer, HIV and Multiple Sclerosis are included immediately from initial diagnosis. Study activities, including examinations, fall under daily activities.

The Disability Advisory Service is not able to support students with temporary illnesses or injuries, or conditions which fall outside the Equality Act (2010) definition of a disability. For issues relating to short-term, temporary illness or injury, you may contact the Disability Co-ordinator and the college doctor for advice on interim support.


What support is available?

Support available to students who declare a disability to the Disability Advisory Service includes a Student Support Plan that details reasonable adjustments and advice to the college/department.  Support plans are made with the student and shared only in accordance with the student’s wishes.  Reasonable adjustments may relate to: 

  • practical arrangements for tutorials/classes,
  • recommendations for written communication about set work and reading,
  • alternative exam arrangements,
  • specialist equipment,
  • and in some cases, mentoring

These are just a few examples.  

If you have any questions about the support available, please contact our Disability Co-ordinator for more information or the Disability Advisory Service