Medical Support

Who should I call for medical support?

If you’re feeling unwell, are injured or require medication, contraception or sexual health support, we can help you find the right person to contact.

Medical Emergencies where there is a risk to life

In an emergency where someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk, dial 999 for an ambulance. If on college site, please inform the Lodge 01865 274800 so they may direct the emergency services to your location.

Urgent Medical Advice

For urgent but non-emergency medical advice dial 111 or visit​. NHS 111 can assess what further medical treatment you may need including whether you should go to Accident & Emergency. The Lodge Porters, Assistant Deans and College Nurse are trained in first aid so may be able to assist you with an injury.

General Medical Support

For any medical concerns relating to your physical or mental health you may contact the college Doctor or the college nurse.

They can assist with most medical concerns including feeling unwell, minor injuries, sleep disturbance, eating disturbance, addiction, contraception and sexual health, experiencing mental health difficulties e.g. anxiety and panic attacks, low mood, depression, and suicidal thoughts.​

College Doctor

A General Practitioner (GP) based in a community health centre offering in person, telephone and online consultations: Dr Leaver & Partners, Jericho Health Centre, New Radcliffe House, Walton Street  (T) 01865 311234 Email:

College Nurse

The college nurse is based on college site in 27 Banbury Road on the ground floor.  Click for availability and online booking.

NHS 111 Online

For physical or mental health and medical advice visit​. NHS 111 online is a digital triage service. It offers a similar service to calling 111. You may be advised to seek further medical treatment including seeing someone in person.

NHS 111 Telephone

Call 111 if you prefer to speak to a person, or to discuss complex medical problems, or worries about a long-term condition. NHS 111 can assess what further medical treatment you may need including whether you should see someone in person.

Sexual Health Information

Oxfordshire Service

Services Outside of Oxfordshire

  • Genitourinary medicine (GUM) and contraception,
  • Testing for and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs),
  • all contraception types including emergency contraception,
  • advice on safer sex,
  • relationships, drug use or other health related issues,
  • and HIV care.

Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LE

(T) 01865 231231 (phones answered 09:00-17:00 Monday to Thursday, 09:00-16:00 on Friday; call between 09:00- 13:00 for appointments and test results) 

International Students