


St Anne’s historical archives are housed within the College Library. The collection includes documents relating to the early years of women’s education in Oxford, particularly the campaign for degrees for women at Oxford, as well as the history of the College. This material is listed under 9 main sections below. The archives would be of interest to anyone researching women’s history, particularly with regard to higher education

We also hold some of the papers of former St Anne’s Fellows, including Marjorie Reeves and Annie Barnes. There is also a collection of artistic depictions of Saint Anne. This material is largely uncatalogued.

General archive enquiries can be addressed to Matthew Chipping (Archivist) at

Applications to visit the Library and consult the Archive should be made using the form at the bottom of this page.

G 1/1. Historical introduction to the archives by Miss Ruth Butler with a catalogue (incomplete).
G 2/1. Description of St Anne’s College for Red guide to Oxford. 1960.
G 2/2. Paragraph for Victoria County History bringing the account of St Anne’s Society op to 1950.
G 4/1. Photograph album c.1895-
G 5/1. Newspaper cuttings. Home Students and St Anne’s College.
G 5/2. Newspaper cuttings. Women at the University.
G 6/1. (1- ). The Ship. No.1 (1911)- . Miss Butler’s set (up to 1982) with her annotations ; continued
after her death, as archive copy. (Three sets exist in college : Library, Archive, Principal’s office).

J 1/1. Letters and cuttings on the degree question. 1886-1896.
J 1/2. Degree question 1892-1896. Red box-file of papers with list of contents.
J 1/3 (1,2,3). 1. Folder containing drafts of the text of “Bertha Johnson – a portrait” (the illuminated
book in the Main Library display case) and correspondence connected therewith. 2. Original drawing
for the borders on frontispiece and title page. 3. Framed copy, in its border, of the photograph used
for the frontispiece.
J 3/1. Papers on AEW crisis 1896 and finance 1897.
J 3/2. Regulations for Bertha Johnson loan fund.
J 4/1. Speeches and papers by Mrs Johnson 1887-1923.
J 6/1,2. 1. Photograph album of past students presented to Mrs Johnson on her retirement in 1921.
2. List of students contributing.
J 6/3. Letters on Mrs Johnson’s retirement etc.
J 7/1. List of contributors to the B.J. Johnson Scholarship on her 80th birthday. 1926.
J 7/2. Letters concerning the B.J. Johnson scholarships.
J 7/3. Notes for the Hebdomadal Council on the B.J. Johnson scholarship.
J 7/4. Photograph of Mrs Johnson, aged 80, taken 1926 (the year in which the B.J. Johnson
scholarship was instituted). It appears in the Ship.
J 8/1. Letters to Mrs Johnson from past students – their prospects after schools.
J 8/2. Assorted letters, including one about the Cassel gift and one to Gabriel Woods. Also one from
Mrs Johnson to Naomi Mitchison dated Sept. 18 1916 (given by Lady Mitchison June 1990).
J 8/5,6. Letters about Mrs Johnson after her death.
J 8/7. Press notices of the funerals of the Rev. A.H. Johnson and of Mrs Johnson (they died within 4
months of one another).
J 9/1. Notes on her father by Mrs Johnson.
J 9/2. The visit of Queen Mary, 1921.
J 9/3. Mrs Johnson’s notes for the memorandum submitted by the women’s colleges to the Royal
Commission on Oxford & Cambridge 1920. Also other related papers.

R 1/1. First move for degrees. File of printed papers.
R 1/2. Degrees for women at Oxford 1895-1896. Book of newspaper cuttings.
R 1/3. Letter-book 1. First move for degrees.
R 1/4. Degree movement (mainly Cambridge). Book of newspaper cuttings.
R 2/1. Second move for degrees 1908-1920. Pamphlet case.
R 2/2. Second move for degrees. Letter-book 2.
R 3/1. Degrees by degrees, by Annie M.A.H. Rogers. 1938.
R 3/2. Notes and papers used in Degrees by degrees and part of the MS. Pamphlet case.
R 3/3. Mrs Prichard’s copy of “Degrees by degrees” with signatures of the committee of the OldStudents Assoc. of Oxford Home-Students. Given by her daughter Margery Prichard, D.Sc. 1965.
R 4/1. Opening of Oxford University examinations to women. Book of newspaper cuttings.
R 4/2. Education of women, 1894-1912. Book of newspaper cuttings.
R 4/3. Women’s education in Europe and America, 1895-6. Book of newspaper cuttings.
R 5/1. Degrees for women. Punch (Oxford) 1896 ; Westminster Budget (Cambridge) 1897. Also
Gazette issues with references to women. Large folder.
R 5/2. Article against degrees for women by Professor Thomas Case, president of C.C.C. In white
R 5/3. Members of Congregation for and against degrees. In “Where is it?” book, compiled by
A.M.A.H. Rogers.
R 5/4. Document in which signatures are requested against degrees for women (for the information
of Cambridge University). In white envelope.
R 8/1. 1. Miss Rogers’s “scholarship” at Balliol. 2,3. MSS. 4. 4 volumes of Homer given to Miss Rogers
by Balliol. Gift of Barbara Pease (née Higham, former Home Student), Miss Rogers’s great-niece,
R 8/2. (a) letters to Miss Butler. (b) papers concerned with her memorial. (c) photocopy of
letter from Lewis Carroll to Miss Rogers as a girl, gift of her great-great-niece Mrs Juliet Morton.
R 8/3. Miss Rogers’s death. Memorial service leaflet, and newspaper cuttings.
R 8/4. Inscription (various drafts) to be pasted behind Miss Rogers’s portrait.
R 9/1. Statuta. Miss Butler’s copy, 1920, the year in which women could first be matriculated, with
her matriculation certificate in it. Also a copy of the O.U. report 1919-20.
R 9/2. Miss Rogers’s copy of the AEW calendars 1887-1893.
R 9/3. Curzon (Nathaniel), 1st Lord Curzon. Principles and methods of university reform. (“Lord
Curzon’s Scarlet Letter”). Miss Rogers’s copy.
R 9/4. “Principles and methods of University reform” – report of the Hebdomadal Council. Miss
Rogers’s copy.
R 9/5. Associated Students Debating Society rules. 1891. Miss Rogers’s copy.

AEW 1/1. AEW. Complete set of annual reports 1879-1920.
AEW 1/2. Home-Students Committee. Standing orders. (Home Students Committee of AEW was
governing body of Home-Students).
AEW 2/2. Original photo of AEW office and Miss Bonner’s letter. 1898.
AEW 3/1. Rules of discipline reported on in 1909 (when the delegacy for Women Students was being
AEW 3/2. Papers concerning the setting-up of the Delegacy for Women Students 1908-1910.
AEW 5/1. AEW papers. Catalogued on envelope.
AEW 5/2, 2B. 2. Letter to Miss Hadow from Mrs Lane Poole (Rachel Poole) about the early days of
the AEW. 2B. Letter to Miss Butler from Mrs Lane Poole about the inscription to be put on her
portrait, and various drafts of the inscription.

W.S. 1/1. Delegacy for Women Students. Reports and regulations 1-10 (no.7 missing).
W.S. 1/2. Delegacy for Women Students. Papers 1908-1918. Catalogued in file.
W.S. 1/3.  Delegacy for Women Students. Agenda & other papers. 1911-1921.
W.S. 1/4.  Delegacy for Women Students. Regulations for admission to examinations in arts, 1912-1913.
W.S. 1/4B. Regulations on Latin and Greek. (1931?).
W.S. 1/5. Delegacy for Women Students. Report (21.1.1921) giving changes after passing of Statute Tit. xxiii which admitted women to matriculation and degrees.
W.S. 1/6. 1st report of the Delegacy of Women Students in the O.U. Gazette. 1.5.1912.
W.S. 2/1. Nettleship Library. Papers dealing with the library from its beginning to 1938.
W.S. 2/2. Nettleship Memorial. Request for donations.
W.S. 3/1. Delegacy for Women Students. Drafts of rules (1920) and some letters re rules.
W.S. 3/2. Dress of Women Members of the University : regulations. 1920.
W.S. 3/3. Memorandum to Registered Women Students (on rules). 1912.
W.S. 3/5. Admission of Women Students from overseas : rules.
W.S. 4/1&2. “The heritage” pamphlet by John Buchan to launch the appeal (1921) for funds for all the women’s colleges. Also the appeal itself.
W.S. 4/3. Rockefeller Trust. Applications (for funds) from the Women’s Colleges.
W.S. 5/1. “The Fritillary”. Incomplete set, 1897-1911 and one part 1916 (March). Plus June 1923, December 1923, March 1924, June 1924, November 1924, November 1925, March 1925.
W.S. 6/1&2). 1. Plan for Women’s Students Union. 2. A letter about this.
W.S. 6/3. Women’s Union hockey team 1910-1911.
W.S. 7/1.  Royal Commission on the Universities (1920-21). Memorandum from the women’s colleges.
W.S. 8/1. B.Litt and B.Sc. results from the Women’s Colleges 1920.
W.S. 8/1B. List of B.AA.s at degree giving in St Mary’s church, Nov. 1921. Also photograph of part of the ceremony.
W.S. 8/2. Letters pertaining to status of students, pre-1920 who were outstanding for Honours.
W.S. 8/3. Papers and letters on statute of limitation. 1927. Brown envelope.
W.S. 8/4. Statute of limitation. Various papers, 1921-1927.
W.S. 8/5. Scholarship entrance papers for the Women’s Colleges 1939 (1 paper), 1949, 1950.
W.S. 9/1. Miss Butler’s memorandum on “Founders”. 1965. Several copies.
W.S. 9/2. The beginnings of L.M.H. & Home-Students : a letter from Miss Butler on the day after her 80th birthday. [1961].
W.S. 9/3. L.M.H. Jubilee : circular. [1928].
W.S. 9/5.  New delegacy for Home-Students. A letter from the Registrar & the draft of Mrs Johnson’s reply.
W.S. 9/6. Tuition fees. Meeting (arranged by L.M.H.) to discuss this 24.11.1924.
W.S. 9/8. Oration at the presentation of Miss Wordsworth for an honorary degree. Encaenia 1928. (Miss Wordsworth was Principal of L.M.H.).
W.S. 9/14. Society of the Annunciation. 4 issues of their “Flying Leaf” 1902-3.

O.H.S. 1/1. Oxford Home-Students under AEW auspices. Reports 1879-1910
O.H.S. 1/1B. Delegacy for Women Students – Society of Oxford Home-Students reports 1911-1943
O.H.S. 1/1C. Oxford Home-Students. Early regulations 1889 and regulations for migrating from a hall to Home-Students.
O.H.S. 1/1D. Home-Student numbers 1888-0 H.T. 1921, home and overseas.
O.H.S. 1/1E. Form of certificate given to Home-Students at the end of their course.
O.H.S. 1/1F. Beginnings of Home-Students being the end of a letter from Miss Butler (to Miss Burrows?). 
O.H.S. 1/2. Home-Students 21st anniversary. Account from the Oxford Magazine.
O.H.S. 1/3. O.H.-S. Jubilee Thanksgiving. Order of Service. 1929.
O.H.S. 1/4, 4B. Report of the governing-body 1920. 2 copies.
O.H.S. 1/5, 5B. O. H-S. 5. Report on conditions of admission, 1921. 5B. Paper undated giving requirements for admission to (a) intermediate and (b) final honours.
O.H.S. 1/6, 6B. 6. Recommendation for delegacy for Home Students 1921. 6B. Standing orders (of 1911) re-affirmed.
O.H.S. 1/7. Committee for Home-Students. Agenda of meeting 1921.
O.H.S. 1/8,8B. 8. Additions & corrections to O.U. Calendar 1921. 8B. Reports of committees 1911-1921. Both in Mrs Johnson’s handwriting.
O.H.S. 1/9,9B.  9. Miss Burrows notes and agenda of Home Students meetings June 1921-Oct 1922. 9B. Notes of a meeting of 1927.
O.H.S. 1/10. Nomination of a principal 1921. (to replace Mrs Johnson). Report of delegacy.
O.H.S. 1/11,11B. 11. Regulations (1920) for matriculated Home-Students. 2 copies. 11B. Home-Students’ rules and regulations (in envelope).
O.H.S. 1/18,18B.  18. Rules. Michaelmas Term 1926. 2 copies.  18B. Bye-laws and regulations. 1927.
O.H.S. 1/19. Regulations concerning the terms in which students are expected to pass examinations. 1926.
O.H.S. 1/20. Oxford Home-Students. The name of the Society in Latin.
O.H.S. 1/21. Notice of a meeting. 1933.
O.H.S. 1/22. Note of a meeting (1927) in Miss Rogers’ hand-writing.
O.H.S. 1/23. Mrs Lane Poole’s retirement from Governing Body, 1924.
O.H.S. 1/25. Draft report of special committee. Apr. 1927.
O.H.S. 1/26. Officers of Delegacy for Home-Students (undated) in Miss Butler’s hand-writing.
O.H.S. 1/27. Notes for report, 1921. ? in Mrs Johnson’s hand-writing.
O.H.S. 2/2. Form for a legacy to Oxford Home-Students, drafted by Miss Rogers.
O.H.S. 2/3. Government grants. 1921. Letter to Miss Burrows about the regulations ; enclosing a copy of the Rules & Orders.
O.H.S. 2/4. Oxford Home-Students’ appeal 1921. (See also W.S. 4/1&2).
O.H.S. 2/5,5B.  5. Sheet of receipts and expenditure. No date.  5B. Miscellaneous financial papers, 1921-2.
O.H.S. 2/5C. Endowment fund appeal (after establishment of delegacy in 1910).
O.H.S. 2/6. Report on Eleanor Plumer fund 1953-4.
O.H.S. 2/7. Letter from Miss R. Butler about an increase in pensions.
O.H.S. 2/8. Letter from Mrs Prichard (Treasurer) to Miss Draper (Librarian, newly appointed) about financial arrangements for the library.
O.H.S. 2/9. Letter from Miss Plumer about the Hartland Trust.
O.H.S. 3/1. Residence. Various forms and papers (in large envelope).
O.H.S. 3/7.  A. The silver master-key with which Mrs Hartland opened the first stage of Hartland House on 16th July 1938. B. ‘The Ship’ for 1938 which gives an account of the opening.
O.H.S. 3/8. Booklets (and a Christmas card) showing “proposed Central Buildings”. 1936.
O.H.S. 3/9. Letters from Mrs Hartland about the beginnings of her benefaction.
O.H.S. 3/10. Notebook containing inventory of contents of common-room & kitchen at 16, Ship Street. 1910.
O.H.S. 3/11. Letter re wooden plaque of Bertha Johnson, outside the Library. 1938.
O.H.S. 3/15. Appeal for money contributions to the furnishing of the completed building (Hartland House) 1950.
O.H.S. 3/17,17B.  17. Two photographs of the opening of Hartland House, 1952 and a letter from Miss Plumer (1957) about them.  17B. Duplicate newspaper cuttings & a picture of the dining-hall (1959).
O.H.S. 3/17C. Dedication of the new wing of Hartland House. Jan. 1952. – service sheets.
O.H.S. 3/18. Folder of correspondence re photographs of buildings 1957-1963.
O.H.S. 4/1. Note book containing particulars of the Gilchrist scholarship and other scholarships.
O.H.S. 4/2. Copy of David Copperfield presented to Ivy Williams to commemorate her being the first woman in England to be called to the Bar.
O.H.S. 4/3. Cambridge regulations and a letter from the Cambridge syndicate. (see Miss Butler’s note on the cover).
O.H.S. 4/4. Oxford Home-Students. Entrance papers 1924-1942 (incomplete).
O.H.S. 5/1,1B.  1. O.H.S. Terminal report book. 1B. Sheet (in Miss Butler’s hand-writing) Principal’s report H.T. 1921.
O.H.S. 5/2. Notebook. Miss Butler’s notes on discipline.
O.H.S. 5/3. Lists of tutors and their pupils.
O.H.S. 5/4. College officers 1897-1911. Listed in hand-writing.
O.H.S. 5/8. Home Students’ Common Room minutes-book.
O.H.S. 5/11. Fitzgerald, Mabel Purefoy (1872-1973), Physiologist. Box containing : photographs; Hon. MA certificate, & memoir by R. Torrance; cutting from “Oxford Mail” Dec. 14 1972, with photographs, about her receiving her degree at the age of 100.
O.H.S. 5/12. Letters concerning individuals and their courses. 12(1) Miss Fischer (1914). 12(2) Miss David (1921). 12(3) Miss Hall (1923). 12(4) Dr Williams (1929).
O.H.S. 6/1,2,3.   1. Dance : accounts.  2. Donations to charity. 3. Donations to charity.
O.H.S. 6/4. Trojan Women. Performed 1912.
O.H.S. 6/10. Apple of discord. Programme 1926.
O.H.S. 6/12. Oxford Home Students. Rowing : 1) 3 photographs (date?). 2) press cuttings 1936. 3) press cuttings 1937. 4) press cuttings 1938. Given by Mrs M.S. Wray (née Beale).
O.H.S. 6/20. Church Service Committee. Minute book, 1934-1950. Includes 3 letters from Miss Ruth Butler to Dr Frank Leslie Cross, January 1935. Gift of Dr E.A. Livingstone from Dr Cross’s papers, June 2010.
O.H.S. 7/1. Beaver shield.
O.H.S. 7/2. Invitations to an evening and an afternoon “At home”. No date.
O.H.S. 7/3. Addresses to Home Students, 1917. (Gilbert Murray & H.A.L. Fisher).
O.H.S. 7/4. Letter to Miss Hugon from A.J. Carlyle.
O.H.S. 7/5. MS of Miss Hugon’s lectures given by Miss Margerie V. Taylor.
O.H.S. 7/6. Letter from an old student during the Second World War? (for others see letters to Miss Burrows and Miss Hadow).
O.H.S. 7/7. Deneke, Margaret. P.V.M. Deneke, 1868-1944. (a memoir ; privately printed, no date).
O.H.S. 7/8. Limerick by the Revd C.C. Inge “There was a Home-Student who dreamt”.
O.H.S. 7/9. Fathers’ occupations. 1924. [Unable to find this file 18.11.13. DFS.]
O.H.S. 7/10. Lectures – various papers and letters.
O.H.S. 7/11. List of portraits outside the Principal’s room at 1, Jowett Walk.
O.H.S. 7/12. Envelope (quaintly addressed) delivered to Home-Students.
O.H.S. 7/13. Letter from K. St G. Wakeling about his sister.
O.H.S. 7/14(1). War time occupations. 2nd world war. Poem on fuses.
O.H.S. 7/14(2). St Anne’s Society. War work at St Anne’s (1942-5) : green file of correspondence & records. Given by Miss Reeves.
O.H.S. 7/15. Menu for a farewell dinner to Miss B.A. Lees, with signatures of those present 23.6.1924. [Used as stiffener in envelope “St Anne teaching the Virgin to read” from a V & A exhibition of Gothic art].
O.H.S. 7/16. Letter from Miss Philippa Strachey inviting Miss Draper to be on the library committee of the London and Nation Society for Women’s Service (formerly London Society for Women’s Suffrage).
O.H.S. 7/17. (Comper, F.M.). Oestergaard, W. Hans Anderson’s Fairy-Tale : a play in four acts trans. Karen M. Möller; revised by F.M. Comper. (no date). Typescript. Given by Miss R. Butler, 1976.
O.H.S. 8/1. Photograph of the Common Room at 16 Ship Street. 6 copies.
O.H.S. 8/2. Photos. Principal, tutors and lecturers.
O.H.S. 9. Photograph of Maori monument to Mrs Staples Brown and 2 letters.

S.A. 1/1. St Anne’s College : a history 1879-1953.
S.A. 1/2. St Anne’s history. Some notes of Miss Butler’s and some published material.
S.A. 1/3. Paper-back copy of the History in one vol. 
S.A. 1/4. St Anne’s history. Blocks for illustrations to vol. 1. Block for coat of arms used on complete set copy. (These belonged to Miss Butler).
S.A. 1/5. Butler (Ruth Florence). A history of St Anne’s Society vol2 1921-1946. Note. Vol.1 is “The Society of Oxford Home Students).
S.A. 1/6. St Anne’s history. Chapter by Miss Rogers (typescript in folder).
S.A. 1/7. St Anne’s history. Envelope of notes for the History vol.2.
S.A. 1/8. St Anne’s history. Box-folder of notes for volume 2 of the history.
S.A. 1/9. St Anne’s history. Photographs used in the history – extra copies.
S.A. 1/10. St Anne’s history. Letter from the printer about the crest on the cover of the history. August 1957.
S.A. 1/11. St Anne’s history. Forms of application for volume 2 or the combined volume ; also bills for stationery & postage.
S.A. 1/12-13. Book begun by Miss Butler as Who’s Who for Oxford Home Students (12). St Anne’s early prospectus and cuttings of Queen’s visit etc. From the papers of Dr Marjorie Reeves, received September 2004 (13).
S.A. 2/1.  From St Anne’s Society to St Anne’s College. A letter from Miss R. Butler to Journal of Education. July 1952.
S.A. 2/2. Incorporation. Memorandum from St Hilda’s to Registrar.
S.A. 2/3. Photocopies of Royal Charter and Statutes, May 1952 ; supplement to vol. 2 of the History of St Anne’s by Miss M.D.R. Leys. 1957.
S.A. 2/4. Copies for University Gazette and Governing Body minutes 1959-60 concerning full collegiate status and change of corporate designation to “the Principal and Fellows…”.
S.A. 3/1. Appeal for buildings 1961. “St Anne’s looks ahead”.
S.A. 3/2. Oxford Mail & Times. Newspaper cuttings re opening of the gatehouse, June 1966. Given by Miss Banbury.
S.A. 4/1. St Anne’s entrance papers. 1950-1959.
S.A. 4/2. St Anne’s College. St Anne’s own addenda to the Proctors’ memorandum on the ‘conduct and discipline of junior members of the University.’
S.A. 5/1. Catalogue of Dr Beryl Harding’s bequest of paintings and drawings.
S.A. 5/2. 2 letters (1965) about Mrs Warren’s portrait and the correct form of her name.
S.A. 5/3. Archives cupboard. Letter from Miss R.F. Butler offering to give this & flimsy of the answer from lady Ogilvie. Also a note from her to Miss Griffiths.
S.A. 5/4. “Senex” of the Oxford Times. Memories of Canon Claude Jenkins, benefactor of the College Library (newspaper cutting).
S.A. 5/5. “Lines addressed to Dr Claude Jenkins, Canon of Christ Church, Oxford on the occasion of his eightieth birthday (May 26th, 1957)”. Typescript (8 copies). NB Framed copy hangs in Library.
S.A. 6. Photographs 1953-   . Envelopes endorsed.
S.A. 6/2. Correspondence re photos of life at St Anne’s – to illustrate newspaper article. 1959. For pictures see Newspaper cuttings (General).
S.A. 8/1. Jade seal, given by Mrs Clapp, who did a diploma in Theology 1921-22 (died 1964). 
S.A. 8/2. Blocks for College crest (as used on menu cards for Proctorial luncheon, photographic negatives (old Prospectus). 1985. 
S.A. 9/1. Obituaries. St Anne’s College.
S.A. 9/2. Obituaries. University and friends.
S.A. 9/2 (2). Memorial poem by A.B.P. Dated 9.6.1928.
S.A. 10/1 (a-c). Record of gifts and donors. (a) Book listing non-cash gifts by year, 1900-1964. (b) Index note-book giving index by donor’s surname to (a). (c) Card index (crumbling) to donors by surname. 
S.A. 10/2. Geldart Library. 2 files of correspondence about shared use of Law collection with other women’s colleges, 1937-1978. 
S.A. 11/1. A Souvenir of St Anne’s College for Tim Gardam, Principal 2004-2016. Copy of the photobook compiled by Jackie Ingram as a farewell present from the St Anne’s Society presented to Tim Gardam at the Gaudy, 17th September 2016. Deposited September 2016.

S.A. (P) 1. For Mrs Johnson see J.
S.A. (P) 2/1. Papers concerning Miss Burrows, also O.S. letters to her.
S.A. (P) 2/2. Miss R. Butler’s notes when acting as Miss Burrows’s deputy.
S.A. (P) 3/1. Miss Hadow’s papers. Includes Miss Hadow’s membership card and badge from Club  Suisse de Femmes Alpinistes, with pictorial rail timetables. 1937. 
S.A. (P) 3/2. Miss Hadow. The story of the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council. 1920-1970.
S.A. (P) 4/1. Miss Plumer. Various papers.
S.A. (P) 5/1. Lady Ogilvie. Records and papers (cardboard box).
S.A. (P) 5/2. Letter of thanks from the Misses Butler after the opening of the gatehouse, June 1966.
S.A. (P) 6. Present and future Principals.

O.U. 1/1. Oxford University. Reports for the years 1920-1 – 1928-9 (lacking 1924-5) and 1936-7.
O.U. 1/2. Oxford University. Matriculation. Memo to undergraduates.
O.U. 1/3. Oxford University. Regulations for courses. Medicine & Science 1920.
O.U. 1/4. Oxford University. Instructions… degrees… M.A. & B.A. no date.
O.U. 1/5. Oxford University. Calendar for Hilary Term 1921. Meetings of University Boards etc.
O.U. 1/6. Oxford University. Programmes. March 1921 Visit of H.M. Queen Mary. June 1920 Encaenia.
O.U. 1/7. Responsions papers, 1927-1931.
O.U. 1/8. Prelims papers (assorted) 1921-1965 (incomplete).
O.U. 1/15. Oxford University. Arrangements during General Strike, August 1926.
O.U. 1/20. Oxford University. War-time dress regulations for exams & degrees. Oct 1941.
O.U. 1/24. Proctors’ memorandum on the conduct and discipline of junior members of the University.  1959.
O.U. 2/1. Oxford University. Statement of the needs of the University. 1902.
O.U. 3/1. Oxford University. Royal Commission (1919). List of questions addressed to heads of houses.
O.U. 5/1. Oxford University. Napier Memorial Library. Report of the Committee. 1916.
O.U. 5/1. Oxford University. Letter from Registry giving registered women students permission to use the English Faculty Library from Hilary Term 1917.
O.U. 7/1. Oxford University. Photographs of the Broad.
O.U. 7/10. Oxford University. Historic buildings appeal 1957. The brochure & the appeal.
O.U. 7/12. “Oxford builds”. Supplement to Oxford Mail.  Oct. 28 1959.
O.U. 9/1. Oxford University. Letter from the Warden of Rhodes House on the best courses for Over-seas Students.  May 1924.
O.U. 9/2. “Oxford prospects” by R.W. Macau. From Educ. Review. Nov. 1891.
O.U. 9/3. “Oxford & the Nation.”  Reprinted from ‘The Times’, 1907.
O.U. 9/4. 4 plates of university robes.  O.U. 9/4.
O.U. 9/5. Memo of Assoc. of Collegiate Alumnae. (founded 1882).  No date.
O.U. 9/6. Oxford University. An information paper on non-collegiate students of the university. [1920]
O.U. 9/7. Oxford Historical Society. Appeal for new subscriptions (1936) when series 2 of their publications was beginning.
O.U. 9/8. Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. List of officers and members. 1921.
O.U. 9/10. Oxford City book drive 1943. Report from city library. Miss Draper (librarian of St Anne’s from 1937-1960) acted as one of the Scrutineers.
O.U. 9/11. Oxford. Balliol College List and honours 1919-1920.

A.&A. 1/1. Transparencies of St Anne & the Virgin. In green-covered small box.
A.&A. 1/2,3. Other pictures of St Anne.
A.&A. 1/4. Pictures of St Anne. In big card-board envelope.
A.&A. 1/5,6. Pictures of St Anne. V.&A. report on tiny photo of wood statue.
A.&A. 1/7. Churches dedicated to St Anne.
A.&A. 3/1. The houses. A selection of photographs.
A.&A. 3/2. Model of the architect’s plan.
A.&A. 3/4. Sketch-plan of the College c.1961.
A.&A. 4/1. Copy of the ‘Architect’ with article on St Anne’s (Hartland House, 1st section). 1938.
A.&A. 4/4. Proofs of photographs of completed Hartland House [1953].
A.&A. 4/5. Country Life. With one page on Hartland House (completed).
A.&A. 4/6. Hartland House. Architect’s plan of the whole building – elevation. (Architect. Sir Giles Gilbert Scott).
A.&A. 4/7. Hartland House. Exterior & interior photographs.
A.&A. 5/1,1B,1C. Architect’s plans of dining hall.
A.&A. 5/2. Transparency of dining hall.
A.&A. 5/3. 2 photographs of the cleared site for the dining-hall.
A.&A. 5/4. The dining-hall in all its stages.
A.&A. 6/1. Wolfson Building. Photographs of the model and the actual building.
A.&A. 6/6. Pamphlet ‘Il Collegio di S.Anna in Oxford’.
A.&A. 6/7. Wolfson Building. Architectural award. 1966.
A.&A. 6/8. Rayne Building. Civic Trust award. 1970.
A.&A. 7/1. The Gatehouse. The topping-out ceremony T.T. 1966.
A.&A. 7/2. Gatehouse. Civic Trust commendation 1966.
A.&A. 9/1. Photographs of a drawing (taken from the site of Hartland House) showing the Observatory, the Radcliffe, St Giles’ Church etc. [The original is in the Radcliffe.]
A.&A. 9/2. Conservation report on Dining Hall mural by Stefan Knapp, compiled after restoration work carried out 2012-13 by Catia Lamerton Viegas Wesolawska (the report is also her work).

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Special Collections

The Library is primarily a working collection but includes a number of older and rarer books acquired by gifts and bequests. Among these are 10 incunabula; 56 STC; 28 Wing books; and 30 pre-1641 foreign language books. The Library also holds a 15th Century Book of Hours (pictured).

Named Collections:

Around 5000 volumes from the library of Canon Claude Jenkins (1877-1959).  Broad in scope, the collection has particular strengths in British, European and Ecclesiastical history.

A collection of 231 volumes bequeathed by Marjorie Reeves (1905-2003), a Founding Fellow of St Anne’s whose research focused on, and sparked a revival of interest in, Joachim of Fiore.

Also held by the Library are Reeve’s notes, correspondence and other papers.

Rosemary Pountney (1937-2016) was a leading scholar on the work of Samuel Beckett. She began performing Beckett’s one woman plays whilst working on her thesis in the 1960s and made many tours worldwide performing and lecturing on Beckett.

Much of her collection of 187 volumes on Beckett are annotated with notes and stage directions.

Other Collections:

The Phyllis Handover bequest comprises books, working notes and correspondence on the history of book production and printing.  Some of these materials belonged to Stanley Morison with whom she worked at The Times.

The archive of alumna Helen Flint is a small collection of the author’s working notes, manuscripts, drafts and correspondence.

Bertha Hensman’s papers include lecture notes from her time at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a collection of typescripts for her books and an undated photograph album of a trip in Kashmir.

The archive of Hazel Eardley-Wilmot, author and archaeologist of Exmoor, includes correspondence, unpublished novel drafts, material about local history and archaeology.