International Academic Programmes


St Anne’s has a strong history of international outreach and has offered international academic programmes to ambitious secondary school students in Asia since 2014. We are keen to hear from schools interested in working with us.  


Previous Singapore programmes  

Singapore April 2018 ‘Understanding our World’ Academic Programme, Tanglin Trust School, Singapore


This was our first Academic Programme in Singapore. 15, 16 and 17 year olds learnt about Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) and Law from four Oxford academics over the exciting five day programme.

Singapore August – September 2019 ‘Understanding our World’ Academic Programme, Tanglin Trust School, Singapore


St Anne’s College returned to Singapore in 2019 to offer another exciting ‘Understanding our World‘ Oxford academic programme at Tanglin Trust School, Singapore!  The programme was for enthusiastic 15 – 17 year olds interested in experiencing the world-famous Oxford PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) and Law degrees.  Students got the chance to work directly with Oxford academics after school on Thursday Aug 29th and Friday Aug 30th and for full days during the weekend of Saturday Aug 31st and Sunday Sept 1st. 


Previous Hong Kong Programmes 

Hong Kong Summer School 16-20 July 2018, Diocesan Boys’ School


St Anne’s was delighted to return to Hong Kong in 2018 with its third Summer School!

100 high achieving and enthusiastic 16 year old Hong Kong students from 23 different schools attended the exciting week long programme. It was a fantastic week during which students were able to experience Oxford style teaching from experts in their fields, experience hands on activities whilst also meeting participants from other schools.

Online Hong Kong Summer School July 2021.   

In July 2021 we held the first Online Hong Kong Summer School. 175 students from schools across Hong Kong took part in the live teaching programme from 19-23 July. Each student found out about Oxford admissions, interviews etc. and also studied 3 subjects from the following: Biochemistry, Classical Chinese, Earth Sciences and Geography, English, International Law, Private Law, Maths, Medicine, Music, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics.

Previous programmes have also been held in Hong Kong and Malaysia and we have also welcomed other programmes to St Anne’s. If you are a secondary school interested in working with us please contact us at