“Infrastructure and Levelling Up: A Look at the UK and Beyond” with Professor Daniel Armanios

The Principal and Fellows of St Anne’s are delighted to announce that the Community Week 2023 lecture will be given by Professor Daniel Armanios, the BT Professor and Chair of Major Programme Management at Said Business School and a Professorial Fellow at St Anne’s College.

Daniel’s research focuses on the correlation between urban planning and social issues. His current projects include using broadband, energy, water, and bridge infrastructure as “social sensors” to enhance the resiliency and effectiveness of support for marginalised populations. Daniel’s research presents the perfect topic for Community Week given the relationship we all experience on a daily basis in our homes and communities, between the way we live our lives and the infrastructure in place to facilitate that very existence.

We are delighted to have Daniel speak to us online via Zoom on the 9th March at 6pm — to receive the link nearer the time, please click here and sign up!