Subject Family Evening: Making the Most of Medicine

We would like to invite you to the first Subject Family Event of the term: Making the Most of Medicine at 5.30pm on Wednesday 25th October.

The event will consist of three talks from members of St Anne’s at different career stages. It is followed by drinks and dinner in the Ruth Deech Building, which are free to those who have booked and who have attended the event. If you do not attend the event you will be charged for the dinner – please ensure you cancel it if you find you are no longer able to attend. Booking must be completed by 11am on Monday 23 October.

There is no booking required if you only wish to attend the talks, which will take place in the Tsuzuki.

Dr Emma Sadler: Dissecting medicine’s past: an exploration of the historical, legal and ethical context of cadaver use in medical education. Dr Sadler is a recent St Annes’ medical graduate and will talk about her academic elective experience.

Ama Appiah: STEP inTO OxMed. A programme lead by a group of medical students that aims to increase the diversity in Oxford medical school by increasing the proportion of students from under-represented groups.

Dr Helen Close: Medicine abroad as a student. Experience of Obstetrics in Sri Lanka and tips for organising 5th year/elective placements abroad.

If you are an alumnae of College and would like to attend this event, please contact to let us know. If you would also like to attend the dinner, you will need to advise us of any dietary requirements by Monday 23rd at 11am.