St Anne’s College is an educational charity. The Governing Body is composed of the Fellows of the College who are also the charity trustees; it meets five times a year to review strategic issues and is made up of the Principal, 39 Official Fellows, 12 Professorial Fellows, 11 Supernumerary Fellows and five College Officers. Governing Body approves all strategic decisions and changes to College By Laws and Regulations and delegates the executive management of the College to Council, a body of 12, the majority of whom are academic Fellows. The College also has a number of committees which report to Council: these include Academic Committee, Investment Committee, HR Committee, the IT and Data Security Committee, Development Committee and Estates Committee. The membership of internal College committees is made up of Fellows and staff at the College and is approved annually by the Governing Body.
The College has an Investment Committee has a number of external members with expertise in investment and financial management. A remuneration Committee with external membership determines, with advice from Governing Body, the remuneration of college employees. We welcome expressions of interest from those with relevant experience who might be interested in joining these two committees.
St Anne’s has JCR and MCR Representatives on all its committees except Investment Committee and Remuneration Committee. Governing Body is supported by 45 College Lecturers, 18 Research and Junior Research Fellows and eight Supernumerary Fellows.